"Committed to working for Truth, Justice, Mercy and Hope."



nejlepší seznamka názory RECONCILE International was established in 2003 as an affiliate church organization by the New Sudan Council of Churches (NSCC). The recent civil war killed an estimated 2 million people, and has had a dramatic affect upon the peoples of southern Sudan, resulting in an environment where it is difficult for communities to build trust, heal the wounds of trauma, transform conflict into peace, and promote reconciliation. We aim to contribute to Nation Building and realization of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement by equipping communities with knowledge and skills for peacebuilding through psychosocial rehabilitation, civic education, and advocacy. This will ultimately help to create an environment for a healthy, peaceful, democratic society.

rencontre sexe sur sannois Our Values

RECONCILE International is committed to the following core values:

  • Love and compassion
  •  Integrity, transparency and accountability
  • Trust and honesty
  • Humility and unity
  • Gender equity


Samtredia Our Objectives

The main objective of RECONCILE is the empowerment of the churches, civil society and civil leadership for sustainable peace and development in South Sudan and the region.  The specific objectives include:-

1.   To enhance understanding of communities on issues of good governance, accountability, respect of human rights, transitional justice, democratic transformation and post CPA concerns i.e. cooperation of agreement between South Sudan and Sudan.

2.      To strengthen conflict transformation capacity within the religious and community leadership in the marginalized areas of South Sudan and the region.

3.      To enhance capacity of community and religious leadership on reconciliation and healing of trauma caused by conflict.

4.   To conduct research and document cultural values that promote tolerance, reconciliation and coexistence among people of different cultural backgrounds.

5.   To establish and maintain libraries, workshops and reading rooms and equip the same having regard to the primary objective of RECONCILE.

6.      To engage in all kinds of advocacy, consultancy work and organize or facilitate, conduct, arrange and sponsor seminars, conferences, workshops and debates on typical issues relating to societal, transformation, economic development and conservation of the environment.

Our Program Areas:

  • Leadership and Governance- This program involves conscientization on issues of peace building, accountable governance, democracy, and human rights and conflict transformation. Awareness of the Transitional Constitution and eventually permanent Constitution and their dissemination to the people, and training in advocacy. Voter education in preparation for elections. Further RECONCILE provides orientation training to the parliamentarians to introduce them to parliamentary procedures and policy formation and strengthening the function of the local government structures. 
  • Psychosocial RehabilitationDeals with reconciliation and healing of memories and wounds of war through trauma awareness and healing programs, and reconciliation seminars and workshops. Training South Sudanese and communities of the region as peer counselors to serve traumatized community members. Intercultural/Cross cultural Exchange Learning Tours and Interfaith understanding with the aim of creating conditions for coexistence through: religious tolerance promotion visits, collection and dissemination of ethnological material, and training church leaders in understanding Islam. Cross cutting issue of gender, HIV and AIDS are also mainstreamed through this program
  •  RECONCILE Peace Institute (RPI)-  is the training institute of RECONCILE that offers courses in Peace Studies, Conflict Transformation (PSCT); and Community Based Trauma Healing (CBTH). These courses are taught by South Sudanese and International faculty. The RECONCILE Peace Institute increases the impact of religious and community leaders engaged in peace work, development, and trauma recovery in South Sudan and the Region. Participants learn to: Understand the dynamics of conflict and peace building; Develop a network with like-minded peers and with expert instructors; Acquire tools for initiating peace and mobilizing communities to develop in sustainable ways.   For more information about RPI, Click Here. To apply, email with subjectline "RPI application form" to:  info@reconcile-int.org