"Committed to working for Truth, Justice, Mercy and Hope."


Resource Centre for Civil Leadership (RECONCILE)


Based in the town of Yei, South Sudan, we strive to help communities and citizens gain the knowledge they need to be active and effective members of a peaceful and democratic society.

Raduzhnyy Vision

Harmonious and caring communities in South Sudan and the region realizing their full potentials, living and working together in justice, peace, truth, mercy and hope.

http://framatech.fr/?yspex=agence-matrimoniale-prix-%C3%A9pernay&f43=8c Mission

      To contribute to Nation Building by facilitating processes for equipping communities in South Sudan and the region with knowledge and skills for sustainable Peace through trauma healing, accountable governance and social transformation.

After two decades of a brutal civil war that killed 2 million people and displaced millions more, a relative peace has come to Sudan with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005.  Now, years after the signing of      the agreement and the creation of a new nation, how will South Sudan hold tight to the peace?

Following a war that has occupied the great portion of a generation's lives, how can such a tramatized people break a cycle of violence that has been building within culture itself?



In the midst of such ravaged infrastructure, where communication and interaction with other communities and government is so difficult, where can the people obtain the civic education needed to be effective members of a democratic society?


The churches of Sudan asked these exact questions, and responded with the creation of RECONCILE International.