Mr. Emmanuel LoWilla, Executive Director – Currently completing an MA in Conflict Transformation at Eastern Mennonite University, USA; Post Graduate Diploma in Development Studies specializing in management of community based organizations from St. Francis Xavier University, Canada; MSc. Forest Management Aberdeen University, Scotland Over 10 years of experience in the area of peace-building with New Sudan Council of Churches. Has served as the director of RECONCILE since its inception in August, 2003. He has conducted scores of trainings in the areas of peace building, civic education, and orientation of Sudanese parliamentarians.

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Ms. Lillian Masafu, Finance and Administration Coordinator – Certified Public Accountant. Trained at Strathmore College Nairobi, Kenya. Has served on the RECONICLE staff since March, 2004. Previously served 14 years as the accountant of the press department of the All Africa Council of Churches based in Nairobi, Kenya.

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Mr. Del Braaksma, Institutional Program Development Coordinator - MS degree from the University of Edinburgh in Tropical Animal Health and Production, with coursework in community development. Joined RECONCILE in Sept 2005. 11 years of experience as a mission worker in Kenya in the area of community development and as Midwest Program Manager for Heifer Project Intl. Received training from Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA) in Group Facilitation Methods and Facilitating Conciliation as well as trauma healing from Eastern Mennonite.


Rev. Debra Braaksma, Co- Program Facilitator of the Psychosocial and Rehabilitation Program – Master of Theology degree from the University of Edinburgh in Theology and Development and professional training in social work. Joined RECONCILE in Sept. 2005. Served for 11 years as a mission worker in Kenya in the area of community development and for 7 years as Supervisor of Reformed Church in America mission programs in Africa and on the board of the Washington Office on Africa. Received training from (ICA) in Facilitating Conciliation as well as trauma healing from Eastern Mennonite.

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Mr. Vincent Edema – Receptionist/messenger. Has served with RECONCILE since Jan. 2005. Previously served with the New Sudan Council of Churches. (not pictured)


Herbert Buesch – Co-Facilitator of the Civic Education and Peacebuilding Program joined RECONCILE in September 2007. Appointed by the Catholic Development Service, Buesch has 30 years of experience working and traveling the African and Asiatic continents as an anthropologist and film producer. Buesch formerly worked as a Peace - building consultant for the German Development Service in Lira/Northern Uganda. Buesch holds a MA (Magister Artium) in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Media, and Linguistics from the University of Cologne, Germany. Buesch loves football and supports his local team.


Rev. John Khamis  - Co Program Facilitator of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program joined RECONCILE in October 2005. Rev. Khamis formerly worked for the Episcopal Church, Diocese of Yei.

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Bakata Peter Martin – Civic Education Officer joined RECONCILE July 2007. He has 5 years of experience as a Trainer and Peace Education Facilitator working with the Jesuit Refugee Service in Uganda. Bakata enjoys reading novels, newspapers, and listening to radio programs.


Emmanuel Dele – Base Manager joined RECONCILE in August 2006. Dele served as the Logistics Officer and Base Manager for the New Sudan Council of Churches in Loki, Kenya and Koboko, Uganda for 12 years. Dele holds a diploma in Marketing form the Makerere College of Commerce.


Abugo Cosmas - Civic Education Officer. Cosmas received a diploma certification in Peace-building and Conflict Transformation from The Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation in Kitwe – Zambia. Cosmas worked as a volunteer teacher and community mobilizer in Yei town before joining RECONCILE in November 2007.


Ropani Florence – Administrative Assistant joined RECONCILE July 2007.


Simon Chol – Peace Building Officer joined RECONCILE in August 2007. Chol formerly worked with the International Refugee Committee.


Ama Annan – Documentation Officer joined RECONCILE November 2007.


Raphael Sabun – Co Facilitator for Peace-building joined RECONCILE in May 2007. He previously worked for World Relief.


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